アトリエ モーイ ブルームは花を通じて心を贈り、人と人がつながり幸せを感じる事が 出来る瞬間のお手伝いをさせていただくことを目指します。
Atelier Mooi Bloem aims to give blissful heart through flowers and to share with people in moments when they connect and feel the happiness that surrounds them.



When I was a young girl, the cosmos in our garden were in full bloom as much as one can see. But because our family purchased a car, we had to convert our garden into a garage.This was my first grouchy memory between me and the flowers. Thereafter, privileged as a child in those heydays of the Showa Period, visiting other gardens became a pleasure after school. Thanks also to activities after school that I was able to get good grades, even if only in our science class for plants. After that, I had to spend days away from flowers for a while because of athletic club and other activities at school. Yet still, my father continued to enjoy flowers in our small garden, so this may have been what triggered me to continue on up to now.

The encounter with this tulip led me to a flower shop. このチューリップとの出会いが私を花屋へ導いてくれました。
社会人になり、自分で働いたお金で、自分の為に「ピンクダイアモンド」と言う名のチューリップを買いました。 このチューリップとの出会いが私を花屋へ導いてくれました。

花屋に就職し、勉強をし、勤めていた花屋を突然退職、オランダへ花の旅その後、アーテフィシャルフラワーのお店~今度はアメリカへ花の旅へ、帰国後も花屋で勤め沢山の経験をさせていただきました。 その後独立し、今に至ります。 まだまだ、花旅の途中です。花と共に、花に活かされ、花をお届けしたいと思います。

I became an adult. I started to earn a living on my own. Then, I bought a tulip called, “PinkDiamond”. The encounter with this tulip led me to a flower shop. I landed on a job at a flower shop studied and suddenly left the flower shop I worked in. After my “flower trip” to the Netherlands, I worked at an artificial flower shop ~ then I made another “flower trip” to the USA, and then worked at a flower shop after returning home to Japan. I decided to start on my own after that and I continue to do at present. For me, I still feel that this is still a “flower trip”. Together with flowers and with flowers, I hope to bring them to everyone.

坂上 久美子



新潟県都市緑花センター 花と緑のアドバイザー
The Boerma Instituet ディプロマ
American Floral Art School ディプロマ


Kumiko Sakagami
Qualifications / Certifications Acquired National Licensure Examination for Flower Decorators (First Level Skills) Technical and Vocational Training Instructor (Flower Decoration Class)
Cut Flower Advisor for Horticulture Well-Being (Elementary Level Skills)
Color Coordinator (Second Level Skills)
The Boerma Instituet Diploma
American Floral Art School DiplomaThe Boerma Instituet